Pediatric PT & OT
Active Physical Therapy offers Pediatric PT, OT and Speech Therapy to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Our mission is to provide individualized care through our expert knowledge and compassionate manner. Our facility also provides a unique opportunity for parents and guardians to watch therapy sessions through a one-way mirror located in our comfortable waiting room.
Come Visit Our State-of-the-Art Facility

Pediatric Services
Physical Therapy
Improves mobility, strength, balance, gait, and coordination necessary to maximize function.
Postural control & positioning
Strengthening & conditioning
Orthopedic and pre/post-surgical intervention
Gait training & ambulation
Developmental motor milestones
Balance & proprioception
Occupational Therapy
Promotes development and engagement skills in everyday routines and activities of daily living.
Sensory processing
Fine motor strengthening & coordination
Self-care skills & ADLs
Work & task conditioning
Social interaction & participation
Visual-motor integration & handwriting
Executive functioning skills
Speech Therapy
Enhances functional communication through language, interaction, and verbal skills.
Language development milestones
Speech fluency
Expressive & receptive language
Literacy & vocabulary
Apraxia of speech
Feeding & oral motor skills

Benefits of Our Pediatric Services
Improved Mobility & Strength
Increased Balance & Coordination
Enhanced Motor Learning & Sensory Processing
Developed Gross & Fine Motor Skills
Improved Handwriting & Visual Motor Skills
Improved Self-Care Skills
Executive Functioning Skills
Increased Attention & Focus
Parent Training & Home Exercises
The path of development is a journey of discovery that is clear only in retrospect, and it's rarely a straight line.
Looking for a Pediatric Evaluation?
Let us walk you through each step of the evaluation process. We currently offer evaluations and treatments for the following conditions:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder
Developmental Delay
Handwriting & Vision Challenges
Attention Deficit Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Balance & Gait Difficulties
Scoliosis & Postural Concerns
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Post-Concussion Rehabilitation

Why Active Physical Therapy?
We are a TEAM of highly-trained physical and occupational therapists and speech/language pathologists dedicated to helping infants, children, adolescents, and young adults reach their maximum potential.
Our mission is to provide individualized and expert pediatric care using the latest research to provide the most advanced techiques to enable children's progress.
Our facility offers a personalized treatment environment featuring a spacious state-of-the-art gym and sensory integration room, and a fine motor testing room. Parents and guardians have access to watch therapy sessions through a one-way mirror located in our comfortable waiting area.